How Do You Know if You Bruised Your Tailbone

Where is my Tailbone? Is it office of my Spine?

We frequently recall of the lowest portion of the spine as our tailbone. However, the medical term for tailbone is coccyx. Our spine is made up of five unlike parts including, the cervical or neck, thoracic or upper/mid back, lower back or lumbar spine, sacral or sacrum, and the coccyx or tailbone. You can read more than about pain in your thoracic (upper/center) spine here. The spine is made up of 33 bones that are stacked one on acme of each other, called vertebrae. The spine is extremely of import because it provides the main course of back up our bodies. This means information technology'southward what allows the states to sit upright, curve, and twist. Because the spine is so vital to our body, even a slight injury tin can be extremely debilitating and interfere with everyday life. The tailbone, or coccyx, is a triangular shaped bony structure. The coccyx has its own job to help stabilize you lot while you're sitting. On top of this, the tailbone is the passageway of many tendons and ligaments.

where your tailbone is located and what would cause coccyx pain

I'yard Experiencing Coccyndia or Hurting in my Tailbone, What is the Cause?

For those of you who don't know, coccyndia is the term referring to pain in the coccyx. If you lot're experiencing hurting in your tailbone in that location are a diverseness of things that could be the source. Oft times people feel hurting in the tailbone area simply from sitting on a hard surface for too long. While it's also an area of the body that is susceptible to dislocation, bruising, soreness, fractures, or fifty-fifty a intermission.

Trauma to the Tailbone:

The majority of tailbone injuries come from some type of trauma that happens to the coccyx area. A mutual trauma-related injury occurs from taking a autumn onto a hard surface. Many people volition as well experience injury to this area from contact sports, like football. Among other things, it's not uncommon to fracture or injury your tailbone during childbirth, or repetitive activities like cycling.  Because most problems with the tailbone arise from a moment of affect or trauma well-nigh people are enlightened they have injured the area near immediately.

Unfortunately, tailbone injury is not uncommon during childbirth, and tailbone pain is non uncommon during pregnancy. No worries, here at BraceAbility we have an article all well-nigh how to help with your coccyx hurting during pregnancy.

Injury to your tailbone increases with age, specifically with adults who suffer from osteopenia, which is the lesser version of osteoporosis. However, the more than your basic degrade with historic period, the greater your take chances of a tailbone injury. Injury to the tailbone is likewise much more common among women every bit the pelvis in the female anatomy is broader and more exposed.

What are the Symptoms of a Coccyx Injury?

You might have a coccyx injury if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Localized hurting in the expanse of the tailbone (Coccyndia)

  • Tenderness in the lower back

  • Pain and numbness increased when sitting

  • Bruising and swelling around the spine

  • Deadening and achy pain

  • Strain and hurting during bowel movements

  • Women tend to accept pain during intercourse

  • With severe injuries, a visible bruise may consequence

Did I Bruise or Break My Tailbone?

Although the pain may be severe and chronic, the majority of the time with tailbone injuries you just have a bruise. A hobbling tailbone volition ofttimes physically bear witness a bruise and go away with time and proper treatment. However, it is completely possible to break or fracture your tailbone, and not entirely uncommon. If your pain has gotten to the signal where it is affecting your daily life we highly recommend you visit with a doctor. Your doctor volition most likely perform an 10-ray to confirm whether or not y'all take bruised or broken/fractured your tailbone. It'southward important to visit with your doctor nigh your tailbone injury because there may be a more serious underlying medical condition that needs further attention.

What is the Treatment for a Coccyx Injury?

When treating your tailbone injury information technology's of import to note that most all coccyx injuries including bruises, fractures, or fifty-fifty just soreness are resolved in the same way. Generally, the major difference from injury to injury comes in the amount of time and effort needed for the coccyx to fully heal. However, nosotros recommend you visit with your doctor to clarify exactly which tailbone injury you're suffering from. This volition help you to know the length of time your coccyx injury will need to fully heal, and whether or not surgery may be your best selection.

At Home Remedies for Tailbone Pain Relief:

Your goal with at home treatment should be to prevent further injury and lessen the pain you're experiencing. Thankfully, you can go your tailbone health back much faster with pocket-sized at home practices. We recommend avoiding sitting for long extended periods of time, specifically with hard surfaces. If you can, alternating which side of your buttocks is taking on the almost pressure from your seated position. When the injury is more severe, applying ice for 20 minutes per day will greatly help with hurting relief. At Braceability, nosotros recommend practicing this for at least four days a calendar week, especially correct after your injury. If y'all're experiencing swelling, you may accept anti-inflammatory medications to reduce this. Because bowel movements can be a struggle in an of themselves later tailbone trauma, eat foods high in cobweb to avoid constipation.

If you're suffering from hurting in your sacroiliac joint, which connects the sacrum of the spine to either the correct or left iliac os, it may exist associated with your tailbone. The sacrum is the triangular structure that is located at the lower part of the spine higher up the tailbone. If y'all're looking for help with a sacroiliac joint injury read our article on exercises to aid heal the surface area. For more than information on the sacroiliac articulation click hither.

Are Y'all Looking for A Quick Tailbone Recovery?

Thankfully, if you're looking to have a speedy recovery at that place are many things you lot can do at habitation to go your health back fast. Ice treatment and support for your coccyx and lower back will help to fully heal your tailbone area. Here at BraceAbility, we take dissimilar options to assistance care for the coccyx area.

Water ice & Common cold Therapy: Hot/cold therapy is a fantastic way to ensure yourself a speedier recovery. In full general, when using the therapy, rut is for muscle strains and chronic pain while water ice therapy will aid heal damaged tissues. Nosotros recommend simply but sitting on the ice pack when needing ice or common cold therapy.

heat and ice therapy back brace to relieve tailbone and coccyx pain

Medical Treatment for Coccyx Pain or Injury:

If your tailbone injury is affecting your daily life, visit with your md to notice pain relief. Often times a doctor tin can recommend other things outside of habitation remedies to cure your injury, sometimes in severe cases, in that location are surgical options. Ofttimes times, doctors volition recommend stronger pain medications than what tin can be purchased over the counter. On top of this, it is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe stool softeners to individuals encountering issues with bowel movements while suffering from a tailbone injury. If the hurting is ongoing and severe with piffling to no signs of healing, local coldhearted injections may be performed.

Coccygectomy Surgery for Coccydynia (Tailbone Removal)

In most cases, with pain medication and action modification over time the tailbone injury will heal and yous'll find hurting relief. However, there are some severe cases where the pain persists and a surgical option may exist best. This surgery is rare every bit it includes a fractional or full removal of the coccyx or tailbone. Some doctors do not recommend the surgery, while others take performed it many times. The procedure lasts roughly 1 hour and involves general anesthetic.  Depending on the surgeon, their approach on whether or non to remove office or all of the coccyx varies. Mostly, the surgery involves a 2-inch incision over the tailbone and has roughly a 50 - 90% success rate. However, this success rate is highly dependent on the selection of patients. Success rates for the surgery increase if the patients are advisedly selected to be "proficient patients". In postoperative situations, the recovery process will ordinarily terminal roughly a month and tin exist extremely painful. Information technology can be difficult to sit after surgery.

How Long Volition It Take My Coccyndia To Heal?

Depending on the injury the corporeality of fourth dimension involved in the healing process varies. The healing process is also dependent on your commitment to treating the coccyx injury properly.

How Long Volition Information technology Take My Coccyndia To Heal?
Bruised Tailbone iv Weeks
Fractured Tailbone viii to 12 Weeks
Broken Tailbone viii to 12 Weeks
Sore Tailbone 4 Weeks


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